Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Free Samples!

I admit it. I love getting free samples in the mail.  Okay okay, I love getting anything 
in the mail that doesn't involve paying someone with my my wife's hard earned money! 
So, here are some tips for freebies. I've received anything from like the photograph above
with a cute bag and four or five freebies to a full-sized product to single use products. I have 
taken my freebies and given them to friends/family or donated them, as well as used the single
use products for travel and to keep at home for guests! It's fun. And who doesn't love free??

1/ If you have to do a long survey or pay for anything, forget it!
2/ Make a second e-mail address for your free sample confirmations to go to.
3/ Use if you don't want to make a second e-mail address.
4/ Sign up for text alerts from freebieshark (links below)


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